Selasa, 02 Juli 2013


Financial Statement Analysis With Method “RAKOKEL”
(The ratio of operating cash flow to current liabilities)

1.    Definition financial statement  Analysis:
        Financial statement analysis is a process for understanding the risk and profitability of the company and  assess performance to determine the effectiveness of the company's production. This analysis is very useful not only for the company's internal, but also investors and other stakeholders.
Ø  Other definition about  financial statement  :
       Financial statement analysis is a process for understanding the risk and profitability of the company and assess performance to determine the effectiveness of the company's production.
2.    Types Financial Statement Analysis
a)      Liquidity Ratios
This ratio is useful to measure a company's ability to meet its short term obligations. There are three types of liquidity ratios are used, the current ratio, quick ratio, Cash Ratio.
b)     Solvability ratio
This ratio is useful to measure a company's ability to meet all its obligations (short-term debt and long term debt). There are 4 solvency ratio is used. that is
·         Total Debt To Equity Ratio
·         Total Debt To Total Assets Ratio.
·         Long Term Debt To Equity.
·         Long Term Debt To Total Assets
c)      Profitability ratios
This ratio is useful to measure a company's ability to generate earnings in a given period. There
are four profitability ratios are used, that is:
·         Return On Equity (ROE)
·         Return On Assets (ROA)
·         Net Profit Margin
·         Gross Profit Margin.
d)     Cash Flow analysis

3.    Definition of 'Operating Cash Flow Ratio‘
A measure of how well current liabilities are covered by the cash flow generated from a company's operations”. The ratio of operating cash flow to current liabilities is used to measure a company's financial liquidity. In particular, this ratio measures how much of the operating cash flow generated to cover the company's current liabilities of the company. The higher this ratio, the more liquid the company.
     Formula:   Cash Flow From Operation
                              Current Liability

4.    Example Financial Statement
Arus Kas Bersih Operasi (Rp juta)
Kewajiban Lancar
(Rp juta)

RAKOKL   2008      =  4.253.895
                                  =     0,54
RAKOKL 2009       =   5.101.022
                                 =    0,71
5.    Conclution
The table above shows that in 2008, PT United Tractors Tbk and Subsidiaries able to provide cash flow from operating activities amounted to 54% to cover current liabilities. While in 2009, the company was able to provide the cash flow from operating activities amounted to 71% to cover current liabilities. This indicates that PT United Tractors Tbk and Subsidiaries relatively illiquid. Although no standard that can be used to measure the liquidity of the cash flow ratio.

Rabu, 23 Januari 2013








A.      Object Label
Terdapat dua object label yang bertuliskan rincian transaksi (latihan 50) berdasarkan kode barang, dan masukkan kode barang yang akan di preview.
B.       Object Button
Terdapat satu object button (preview) yang digunakan untuk menampilkan daftar barang latihan_50_36110043 di dalam latihan_53_36110043.
C.      Script Unique
Untuk script unique dapat dilihat pada Langkah-langkah mengerjakan latihan_56_36110043.
D.      Even


1.      BUKA  Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 dengan Klik star lalu pilih Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
2.      Click icon "Add new Item
3.      Pilih Windows Form, lalu isi Name dengan Nama Latihan._56_36110043 dan click add
4.      Buat design Form sesuai dengan Form diatas {gunakan object-object di dalam ToolBox dan lihat deskripsi latihan ini.}
5.       Ganti nama setiap object kecuali Label menggunakan "Properties Window"
6.       Klik 2x pada design form yang telah dibuat  untuk membuka lembar Scripnya.
7.       Masukkkan Scrip di bawah ini..

Public Class latihan_56_36110043

    Private Sub View_36110043_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles View_36110043.Click
        Dim Laporan As New CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument

        'mengatur lokasi dan nama database laporan
        Dim x As New ByIskandar.MengaturDataBaseCrystalReport
        Laporan = x.AturDatabase(New latihan_50_36110043, Application.StartupPath, "DATA REPORT.accdb")

        latihan_53_36110043.crv_36110043.ReportSource = Laporan

        latihan_53_36110043.crv_36110043.SelectionFormula = "{barang.kodebarang} = '" & label_36110043.Text & "'"

        'Menampilkan form 53
        If latihan_53_36110043.Visible = False Then
        End If
    End Sub
End Class
8.      Jalankan program dengan menggunakan  “start debugging”


9.      Klik save untuk menyimpan Form INI…….